From time to time, the HKMA issues announcements and circulars regarding the Reporting Service (HKTR-RPT) to TR Members.
TR Members should pay attention and act accordingly, if necessary, in response to announcements and circulars of the HKTR which are published in the News & Circulars section of the HKTR Info Page website.
To facilitate the ease of access to publications disseminated by the HKMA on topics relating to the development of the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives regulatory regime and reporting requirements, links to original publications on the HKMA website are summarised in the Regulatory Information sub-section, including, but not limited to, circulars, press releases and speeches.
For further enquiries on these publications, please follow the contact information enclosed in the individual documents.
To stay align with the global OTC transaction data disclosure requirements, data and statistics collected by the Reporting Service of the HKTR is available in the Data & Statistics sub-section in due course.